Category Archives: Horizons


Bass Lake 3027

“To know ahead of time what you’re looking for means you’re then only photographing your own preconceptions, which is very limiting and often false.” ~ Dorothea Lange

Seashore 53

Creativity emerges from looking or thinking without preconceptions. Examining things without preconceptions offers an opportunity to develop a new and different way of perception, a unique viewpoint. 

Stonington Harbor 761

“It’s about reacting to what you see, hopefully without preconception. You can find pictures anywhere. It’s simply a matter of noticing things and organizing them. You just have to care about what’s around you…” ~ Ellliot Erwitt

Woods 2890

Often preconceptions of what is good or bad can stifle creativity. Having years of informal and formal art education and experience, I can’t recall a professor, teacher, mentor or instructor that offered “rules” to follow in creating work, other than to consistently pursue it with a fresh, individual and independent approach. I have consciously tried to follow that advice and will continue to abide by it.

Coastal Dunes 8745

“Constant reminding ourselves that we not see with our eyes but with our synergetic eye-brain system working as a whole will produce constant astonishment as we notice, more and more often, how much of our perceptions emerge from our preconceptions.” ~ David Eagleman 

seacoast photo 643
Seacoast 643


A large amount of my photographic work includes horizon lines in the composition. It is a common feature of the landscape—the line at which the earth’s surface and the sky appear to meet. Yet it is merely a visual perception. It doesn’t really exist as a place we can ever reach. It appears to be there, but it only exists in our consciousness. Making a photograph of it is one way to momentarily bridge the distinction between perception and reality.

Horizon can also imply a looking forward to a future experience or event, something imminent or becoming apparent—good fortune is on the horizon. This interpretation may convey an anticipation and expectation of what lies ahead.

seacoast photo 643

Another meaning of horizon is the limit of a person’s mental perception, experience or interest—broaden your horizons. In this sense of the word an image of the horizon can suggest a reaching for something more, a desire to become better.