Tag Archives: interior design

Beyond Capture

Coastal Dunes 8745

The art of photography for me is a multi-layered process. It begins with a visualization, an idea. Subject matter, composition, framing and lighting all come into play along with other considerations such as context, emotion or inspiration before the shutter is released .

Photography—as well as most art forms—is a kind of dialog between the artist and the viewer. So an early element of the process is developing a visual story. I am not interested so much in documentation even though I don’t alter any elements and do minimal post-processing. I strive to express an underlying abstraction, interpretation or feeling.

The next layer in the process is the presentation. This extends well beyond the capture stage. Needless to say, it originates with a strong image.  At this point much time is spent evaluating and deliberating if it is worthy of sharing and what form it should take. Upon sharing the image it becomes an offer for the viewer to experience the results.

Shoreline 5938
Bass Lake 2511
Tide Pools 3462
Tidal Flats Vista 3411